Membership Eligibility Requirement for USASF Club Owners, Coaches, Personnel and Adult Athletes*
Current Membership Term: June 1, 2024-May 31, 2025
Background checks are an important component of USASF’s efforts to promote a safe environment for young athletes. Adult participants who are present in the warm-up rooms at USASF-sanctioned competitions are required to undergo background checks through our preferred screening partner, JDP. This requirement applies to USASF member club owners, coaches, personnel and adult athletes* Completing a background check through your USASF profile each membership term provide your club the opportunity to promote and celebrate you commitment to your athletes and the All Star community.
JDP facilitates a comprehensive screening program using their full-service product, and the results are presented in a simple red light/green light determination report based on criteria specified by the USASF. Only individuals who receive green light determinations and complete all other membership requirements are eligible for membership.
*Adult athletes include athletes 18 years of age and above and those who will turn 18 on or before May 31
of the current membership term.

About The Screening Package
The U.S. All Star Federation implements the same comprehensive screening that the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee requires all national governing bodies to follow for members involved with minor athletes. JDP is named as a screening provider under the USPOC screening policy to fulfill its screening program.
The USASF screening criteria includes:
- JDP proprietary screening with non-registered data (NRD).
- JDP identity verification through the vID app.
- Social Security number validation.
- Name and address history records.
- Two independent multi-jurisdictional criminal database searches covering 50 states plus DC, Guam and Puerto Rico.
- Federal district courts search for the district(s) where the individual currently lives or has lived during the past seven years, going back the length of time records are available and reportable based on the name and address the Individual provides and the developed address history records.
- County criminal records for the county (or counties) where the individual currently lives or has lived during the past seven years, going back the length of time records are available and reportable for each county searched based on the name and address the Individual provides and the developed address history records.
- Two sex offender registry database searches of all available states, plus DC, Guam and Puerto Rico.
- Multiple national watch lists.
- Comprehensive international records search for members who have lived outside of the United States for six consecutive months in any one country, during the past seven years.
- Multiple national and state exclusion lists.
Background Screening Term
The initial background screening is valid for a one-year single membership expiring on May 31 of the current competition season. Once an initial background check is completed by JDP, each membership renewal will require a rescreen of the individual covering the time since the last background check.
How to Complete a Background Screening
Here's a quick tutorial:
If you have trouble with your vID contact:
Phone: 855.940.3232
Available weekdays 7:30 am to 9 pm EST
Coaches, Club Owners, Adult Athletes (those who are 18 years of age and above or will turn 18 on or before May 31 of the current membership term)
- Gather the necessary items
1. Credit card (for membership renewal fee payment)
2. Smart phone
3. One of the following states identifications:
- Driver’s license from one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia (DC) and other US territories (Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico).
- Non-driver state-issued ID card. This is an identity document issued by the state, the District of Columbia (DC) or US territory that asserts identity but does not give driving privileges.
- Passport (including passport cards)
- Temporary IDs
- Go to USASF’s membership page to log in or create an account.
- Follow the prompts to complete/confirm your account profile, make payment and answer the initial background screening questions.
- Use the QR code in your USASF profile to download the vID app.
- vID will walk the applicant through creating a vID account, scanning a legal ID taking a selfie, and submitting the background screening.
- The background screening generally takes 5-7 business days to complete, but this can vary by screening. Applicants should submit screenings ASAP in case of delays, and check emails regularly in case additional information is needed.
- NOTE: The QR code is SPECIFIC to the individual recipient. The recipient must follow their unique QR code to complete download the vID app and complete their background screening.
- Once JDP renders the determination based on the USOPC/USASF decision matrix, your results will post directly to your USASF profile.
Personnel (non-coaching adults who interact with minors)
NOTE: Only the club administrator may create, renew and pay for personnel membership accounts through the club account portal. Once paid through the club account portal, the personnel applicant may log in and begin the background screening process and other membership requirements.
- Go to USASF’s membership page to log in to the personnel account.
- From the account dashboard, click START BACKGROUND CHECK.
- vID will walk the applicant through creating a vID account, scanning a legal ID, taking a selfie and submitting the background screening.
- The background screening generally takes 5-7 business days to complete, but this can vary by screening. Applicants should submit screenings ASAP in case of delays, and check emails regularly in case additional information is needed.
- NOTE: The QR code is SPECIFIC to the individual recipient. The recipient must follow their unique QR code to complete download the vID app and complete their background screening.
- Once JDP renders the determination based on the USOPC/USASF decision matrix, your results will post directly to the profile.
Creating a Club Account for Applicant Screenings
The club screening account is designed for USASF member clubs that have adult participants—such as employees or volunteers who regularly interact with or oversee minor athletes who are not USASF members. This account allows clubs to conduct background screenings on these adults using the same criteria that apply to USASF members. It's important to note that USASF members must complete their background screenings through their individual USASF member account profiles.
How to set up your club account through JDP
- Go to:
- Provide applicable information for account setup and sign the user agreement.
- Name the club administrator or person who is requesting club account setup.
- Provide club account information such as: club name; club administrator; club contact info and club address.
- Identify users within your club who will have access to the account and background results.
- View and sign agreement.
- Upon completion, you will receive a ‘thank you’ email confirming your request was received by JDP for club account setup.
- Finally, you will receive a ‘welcome email’ for next steps on finalizing your club account.
- NOTE: You will be asked to provide a credit card for billing purposes as one of those next steps.
Background Screening Fee
Coaches, Club Owners, Personnel: The cost of the JDP domestic background screening is covered by the USASF membership registration/renewal fee ($75).
Adult Athletes: The fee for each JDP domestic background screening is $19. This is in addition to the USASF membership registration/renewal fee ($49).
Officials, Event Producer Staff, Associate Users: the cost of the JDP domestic screening is $30.
Those who have lived internationally in the past seven years:
In line with the USOPC policy, any applicant who either currently lives internationally or has lived internationally for a period of six months or more over the past seven years will be required to submit to an international background check as well as a domestic screening. The cost of the international background check is to be paid by the applicant. International background screening costs and availability vary by country, but will be higher than U.S. domestic searches.
Background Screening Process
JDP handles ALL aspects of the screening process from start to finish saving time and money and helping to protect athletes and youth sports organizations with thorough background screenings.
Screenings are initiated as follows:
- Coaches and Club Owners(18 years of age and above) will apply directly through their USASF membership portals while renewing their membership.
- Personnel (18 years of age and above) will apply directly through their USASF membership portals by clicking START BACKGROUND CHECK on their dashboard. Personnel will only have this option once their program has paid their membership fee.
- Adult athletes (athletes 18 years of age and above and those who will turn 18 on or before May 31 of the current membership term) will apply directly through their membership portals while renewing their membership.
- Coach, owner and personnel screenings are covered by their USASF membership fees. All other individuals will pay JDP directly for the screening cost.
- USASF member profiles are updated automatically with green light determinations.
- Applicants receiving green light determinations are upgraded to eligible members as long as all other membership requirements have been met.
- Applicants receiving adverse actions will be instructed to contact JDP directly or
- The USASF is not permitted to share any information provided on the background screening.
- JDP utilizes USOPC/USASF decision matrix to provide red light/green light reports to USASF.
Background screenings completed by JDP will yield two possible outcomes:
- Green Light: no reportable criteria-related convictions or pending dispositions were found in the screening process and information needed to complete the background check was received.
-- or --
- Red Light: does NOT meet the initial screening criteria: utilized, where registrant has a pending charge and/or conviction of a criterion offense.
Background Screening Criterion Offenses that will block a positive determination
Any record or disclosure that includes the outcome of a criminal proceeding, except for a not guilty verdict or pending charges, related to the following offenses will undergo a Red Light Review. This indicates that the applicant fails to meet the initial screening criteria and will be subject to USASF's policies and procedures to determine the individual’s level of access and involvement in athlete interactions, USASF member facilities and sanctioned events.
- Any felony
- Any misdemeanor involving:
- All sexual crimes: criminal offenses of a sexual nature to include but not limited to: rape; child molestation; sexual battery; lewd conduct; possession and distribution of child pornography; possession and distribution of obscene material; prostitution; indecent exposure public indecency; and any sex offender registrant.
- Any drug-related offense.
- Harm to a minor, including, but not limited to, offenses such as: child abandonment; child endangerment/neglect/abuse; contributing to the delinquency of a minor; and DUI with a minor.
- Violence against a person, force, or threat of force (including crimes involving deadly weapons and domestic violence).
- Stalking, harassment, blackmail, violation of a protection order, and/or threats.
- Destruction of property, including arson, vandalism, and criminal mischief.
- Animal abuse, cruelty, or neglect.
Criminal offenses include attempted crimes in the above classifications.
JDP Technical Support & vID Resource Center
If you have trouble or questions about submitting your information:
- Visit the vID Resource Center or
- Email JDP directly at
- Phone: 855.940.3232
Available weekdays 7:30 am to 9 pm EST
For help with your USASF profile, contact
What is vID?
With Verified Identification (vID), JDP provides highly accurate and fraud-protected identity verification that helps protect our athletes and the security of member data. Using your phone's camera, vID scans your ID and captures a real-time selfie to confirm your identity.
Verifying your identity with vID is quick and simple—just have a driver’s license, passport, or state-issued ID, the vID app and about three minutes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who has to be screened?
- Adult participants who have regular contact with or authority over athletes under the age of 18 are required to submit to background screenings. This includes:
- Coaches
- Club owners
- Adult athletes (including athletes who will turn 18 on or before May 31 of the current membership term)
- Volunteers and non-coaching staff (personnel) who plan to accompany teams into warm-up rooms at USASF sanctioned competitions
- Legality officials
- Event producers and event staff
Why does my 17-year old have to be screened?
Background checks are mandatory for USASF adult members 18 years of age and above. If your athlete is 17 but will turn 18 on or before May 31 of the current membership term, they must fulfill this requirement regardless. Conducting the screening at the start of the membership term makes it readily available when necessary, thereby preventing any potential disruptions during their competition season. During the minor’s background screening process, consent from a parent or guardian will be required.
What is the cost?
- Coaches, Club Owners, Personnel: The cost of the JDP domestic background screening is covered by the USASF membership registration/renewal fee ($75).
- Adult Athletes: The fee for each JDP domestic background screening is $19. This is in addition to the USASF membership registration/renewal fee ($49).
- Officials, Event Producer Staff, Associate Users: The cost of the JDP domestic screening is $30.
- Those who have lived internationally in the past seven years: In line with the USOPC policy, any applicant who either currently lives internationally or has lived internationally for a period of six months or more over the past seven years will be required to submit to an international background check as well as a domestic screening. The cost of the international background check is to be paid by the applicant. International background screening costs and availability vary by country, but will be higher than U.S. domestic searches.
How long does a background screening take?
The background check generally takes 5-7 business days to complete, but this can vary by screening.
- Submit your screening ASAP so that it’s ready when you need it.
- Check your email regularly in case additional information is needed.
- Allow for potential delays caused by various factors which may include but are not limited to:
- International searches and/or
- Court jurisdictions that experience delays due to staff reductions, closures or issues with their reporting systems.
Do I need to complete a background check with USASF if I already have a screening through my employer or another organization?
Yes! Clubs, organizations, schools and employers complete background screenings that vary in type, resulting in differing degrees of thoroughness. JDP’s background screening utilizes consistent standards and uniformity for all USASF applicants.
What should I do if my background screening yields an adverse action?
If your background screening yields an adverse action, your USASF membership and all associated benefits will be suspended immediately.
Through JDP, you will be given the opportunity to dispute erroneous findings prior to the time of the issuance of the red light. If you do not dispute JDP’s findings, you will receive notification of your red light from JDP. This email will also provide information on the required USASF Membership Appeals process. Through USASF you may submit an appeal per the instruction furnished to you. Based on the outcome of the appeal, your USASF membership may be reinstated or your membership could be revoked permanently. Each adverse action is handled on a case-by-case basis.
For more information about the appeals process, please email